Breakfast is my most challenging meal, especially on the weekends… and we’re having mimosas… but we’ll save that for another day.
I like to sit down and eat breakfast in the morning before leaving for the office. Should I wake up early and prepare something fresh? Should I pre-make something for each day in advance? Or do I revert to cereal or prepackaged oatmeal? (Honestly, I avoid the latter at all costs.) You don’t have to search very hard to find make-ahead breakfast recipes. Overnight Oats- Check! Chia Seeds- Check! Muffins, eggs in muffin tins, homemade granola bars- check, check, CHECK! But alas, today I found a recipe that spoke to me directly. It’s a Basic Breakfast Quinoa (literally, that’s the name) that is super easy to make and completely customizable. Say you like coconut but your significant other doesn’t, that’s okay, they don’t have to add it. You can load it up with fresh fruit, or you can eat it plain drizzled with a little bit of honey. Really, whatever you’re into, you do you. The only thing you have to do is cook the quinoa in advance, and you can eat from it all week. Or, build-your-own weekend quinoa brunch bar, anyone? 🙂
Basic Breakfast Quinoa Recipe
More flavor combinations to try:
Source: Cookie & Kate
In the spirit of Summer, this month’s workout focuses on our mid-sections. My core is definitely the first thing to go when I fall off the fitness wagon, and unfortunately it’s the last thing to “get back on”. These core workouts are simple, and as your strength develops, you can increase your reps and continue to challenge yourself! Check it out 🙂